Drive Organisational Performance through Active Engagement

For Organisations Serious about Performance

"“Within a very short time, we have noticed an improvement in the morale and engagement in of our teams to the issues that affect them” "

Shane Billington - Gallagher Group Ltd
Supply Chain Process Manager


Experienced pressure to complete excessive work hours aside unnatainable workloads


Team members perceived as not open to the values and opinions of others


Felt safe sharing their views about work

Discover with
Active Engagement

Gain fundamental insights into the issues affecting your organisation’s Performance, Culture & Wellbeing. Discover employees’ Challenges, Motivations, and Improvement Ideas within your organisation, quickly & effectively.

We recognise that employees often feel vulnerable and reluctant to voice their concerns and opinions for fear of reprisal, which leaves organisations usually in the dark about their people’s true feelings, motivations, challenges, and cool ideas. Xentrix Active Engagement ensures that nobody, including the organisation, is placed in harm’s way, helping to develop trust and open dialogue between an organisation and its people.

One characteristic of high-performance organisations is that they base their considerations and actions on data and evidence, limiting assumption-based decision-making. Decisions based on assumptions or influencing factors that are not fully understood can pose a significant risk to any investment, improvement, or change initiative. Xentrix Active Engagement improves the chances of success by providing insights into factors that are often out of sight of decision-makers.

Xentrix Active Engagement allows teams to keep track of their progress on ideas, issues and opportunities, change initiatives, project reviews and other areas involving group involvement. It is often said that “success breeds success”. Observing improvements and small achievements within a team allow for celebrating success and encouraging a results-driven mentality within its people. You have collected team-insights , now let’s measure them.

Transform with
Active Engagement

Xentrix Active Engagement is a process where managers and teams work collaboratively to drive Business Excellence, Engagement and Wellbeing, fostered by a Culture of Review, Collaboration and Continual Improvement.

Performance excellence is achieved through intentional effort and a commitment to continuous improvement. By implementing a results-driven process, organisations can foster a culture of improvement and enhance the morale of their team. Normalising challenges as opportunities for collaborative growth is critical to building a high-performance culture where creative problem-solving and teamwork are at the forefront. How a team perceives and approaches problems can significantly impact the outcome and drive success.

Create a team of Solutions-Orientated Improvement Practitioners!

Improving success requires a culture of continuous improvement, but deciding which initiatives to focus on can be daunting. Xentrix Active Engagement makes it easy to prioritise by offering a user-friendly qualification methodology that helps teams determine the most impactful areas for improvement. With a focus on essential issues, you can avoid wasting resources and confidently direct efforts towards the most critical areas. Additionally, ongoing assessments allow you to track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of your improvement initiatives over time.

Focus on team-driven improvement initiatives that add value to your organisation and people!

Elevate your performance and engagement with Xentrix. Our easy-to-use methodology eliminates complicated processes and low engagement, delivering candid feedback that drives results. Quick to implement and with low overhead, our solution enables effortless assessment of your organisation’s performance and well-being, from high-level analysis to specific areas, all without the hassle of managing survey data. With every appraisal tracked, TeamHealthChk™ provides valuable insights for informed decision-making and progress tracking, leaving annual surveys in the past.

Embrace simplicity and bring your team performance assessments to life!

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